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On-Call University Support for Students

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Undergraduate Students

Residence Deans can provide immediate student support and safety accommodations, such as temporary housing.

  • During business hours, call (650) 725-2800
  • Outside of business hours, call the University Operator and asked to be connected to the on-campus undergraduate Residence Dean on call at (650) 504-8022

Graduate Students and Post-Docs

Graduate Life Office (GLO) Deans can provide immediate student support and safety accommodations, such as temporary housing.

  • During business hours, call (650) 736-7078
  • Outside business hours, text the GLO pager at Include your name and reason for paging in the message. Optionally, you can call the GLO pager at 650-723-7288. You will reach a Stanford operator. Provide pager ID #25085 and indicate that you need to reach the graduate dean-on-call.